Thursday, April 3, 2008

Chin up, Cheer up

This year was supposed to be a great year but it hasn't gotten off to such a great start. Let me just say that four months in and I feel like I will never be normal. However, I look at my situation and think, it could be worse. It's not just me. I think it's this year in general for everyone. Can it get better? I have to believe that it will, I just have to give it time.

However, with everything that's been going on, it's given me a lot of time to think. About my life, my hopes and my dreams. Where I'm headed and what I can be. Take the title of this blog for example. It would be great if everything went as planned and you could do everything your heart desires. That's not the case. You have to do what you can to keep on living. You have to work, pay the high price gas and continue in robot mode just to make do. But is making do enough?

There are several things I would love to be doing everyday... travel, write and smile. Yes, smile. Seems simple but yet it's a challenge. But like I said, I'm only four months into this year, there is plenty of time for it to improve.

Until next time....


Soundtrack for this blog.... Cake "Prolonging the Magic" Who doesn't love cake?

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